Project Overview
R.E. Warner prepared plans and specifications for construction of a new chemical storage and feed facility needed by Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District to comply with new National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements.
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District's Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant is an activated sludge plant which uses ferric chloride for phosphorous removal and improved solids settling, sodium hypochlorite for disinfection of plant effluent and non-potable water, sodium bisulfate for dechlorination, and sodium hydroxide for pH control.
NPDES updated its requirements, and NEORSD subsequently needed to construct a new chemical storage and feed facility to house a new disinfection system. This project replaced the existing disinfection system installed in 1989 on an emergency, temporary basis. The project also included evaluating the need to include facilities to also treat the primary effluent bypass which is used during storm events.